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Early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Keuruu

Our goal is to comprehensively support the child's growth, well-being and learning. We value active and open cooperation with the guardians. In early childhood education and care, we offer the child the opportunity for play and care, as well as learning and friendships in a peer group.

Municipal early childhood education

We offer municipal early childhood education and care in three daycare centers.

  • Aurinkolinnan päiväkoti, Koulutie 3 c, 42700 Keuruu, Head of the daycare Jaana Valkonen, 040 078 5572
  • Lapin päiväkoti, Ronkavuorentie 1, 42700 Keuruu, Head of the daycare Jaana Valkonen, 040 078 5572
  • Haapamäen päiväkoti, Pihlajavedentie 4 c, 42800 Haapamäki, Head of the daycare center Anu Salenius, 040 183 8050

ECEC outside normal opening hours

If guardians work in shifts outside regular working hours and child needs daycare during that time, guardians can apply care accordingly. There is a group in Aurinkolinna daycare center that offers the care. This ECEC is offered on weekdays before 6:30 a.m., after 5 p.m. in the evenings, and on weekends, nights and public holidays.

Shift care can be booked on only for real need based on the guardians' work schedule or other reliable documentation.

Private early childhood education and care

There is also a private daycare center in Keuruu, Norlandia Tähtitarha. Private daycare belong to the service voucher system, and the amount of the fee is formed by size of the family and income in the same way as in the municipal early childhood education fee.

More information on Norlandia Tähtitarha Daycare Center website 

Applying for ECEC

You can apply for an early childhood education place in Keuruu all year round in Wilma-system with an electronic application. An early childhood education place must be applied for the child no later than four months before. However, the application can be submitted six months before the desired start date.

If the need is due to sudden employment or getting a study place, the application must be submitted no later than two weeks before the child needs daycare.

The person in charge of the Aurinkolinna daycare center will contact the guardians after the place has been allocated.

In the beginning of ECEC

Before the actual start of daycare we have an initial discussion with the guardians, where we hear their thoughts about the child and wishes for early childhood education. In the discussion, the guardians also get information about the everyday life and practices.

The guardians arreange with the group's personnel a suitable number of familiarization visits, where the child gets to know own group and the group's staff.

Familiarization visits last 1–3 hours and are usually scheduled in the mornings. The guardian is involved and is responsible for their child during that time.

How to prepare your child when starting daycare?


  • Sufficient spare clothes (socks, underwear, layer of clothing, also warm clothes)                         
  • Inner and outer clothing separately (especially in warm weather)
  • Weather-appropriate clothes, because in daycare, you usually go outside regardless of the weather.
  • Indoor slippers or shoes
  • Own diapers, pacifiers and sleeping toy
  • Usually the child's medication is taken care of at home, but if necessary, prescribed medication can be brought to the daycare if the illness requires medication during the day.

An ECEC plan for child

An early childhood education and care plan is drawn up for every child in early education centres. It is prepared in cooperation with the personnel, the guardian and the child. The child's ECEC plan discussion takes place approximately two months after the child starts in daycare.

Each child's individual strengths and interests are the starting point of the child's ECEC plan. The child’s individual plan is a pedagogical plan in which the objectives and methods of the personnel's pedagogical activities are recorded. They describe how the child's development, learning and well-being are supported by pedagogical activities and learning environments. The goals arising from the children's plans are taken into account in the planning and implementation of activities for the whole group of children, but also in the development of learning environments and the operating culture.

The child’s plan is evaluated regularly. 

General information in ECEC

Our values ​​include that guardians also have the opportunity to influence. We hope you prepare carefully for the child's initial discussion and actively express your views and wishes for your child’s early childhood education.

Our personnel is there for you: if there is an issue bothering you, you have always an opportunity to talk to the personnel of your child's group.

A child who attends early childhood education and care has the right to receive general, intensified, or special support as provided in the Act on Early Childhood Education and Care. Timely, individually targeted support that meets the child's needs promotes the child's development, learning and well-being. It also prevents the child's problems from growing and taking on more diverse forms as well as the risk of social exclusion.

You can get more information from National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care. 

ECEC fees

The municipalities are responsible for arranging the ECEC services. The quality of ECEC is improved through systematic evaluation. Families can also opt for publicly subsidised private ECEC settings. 

Participation in ECEC is subject to a fee which depends on family income and the number of children. Client fees in municipal ECEC cover about 14 percent of the total costs. The maximum fee charged for ECEC is now EUR 295 and the minimum fee charged is EUR 28.

Both municipal and private ECEC have same price in Keuruu.

Plans and laws

More information

In all cases above contact Jaana Valkonen, Head of the daycare, 040 078 5572.